Technology of paraffin section
发表时间:2019-11-29     阅读次数:     字体:【

The basic process of paraffin section method is to first rinse the fixed tissue for inspection, dehydration (using ethanol with increasing concentration), transparent (using xylene, etc.), dip wax (using paraffin), and then wrap the tissue with paraffin Buried into wax blocks, and then sliced and stained by a microtome to make slices. The whole process of paraffin sectioning generally takes 24h. The use of fully automatic dehydration machine and embedding machine can realize the programming and automatic operation of paraffin slices, which greatly improves the production efficiency. Paraffin rapid slice diagnosis usually takes about 30 minutes to prepare a slice and issue a report. However, the slicing quality of this method is not as ideal as the conventional slicing, so it is usually only used when necessary.

上一篇:Lens focal length calculation method
下一篇:AdStar Microscope Slide


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